November 2000
Follow Friday Test
- Marty Martin
- June 26th, 2009
- Social Media
Here is a list of people to follow on follow friday from people that i follow and who also follow me. Tired of those laundry lists? These are recommendations, not just retweets... Here were the instructions: Come up with a list of people you recommend for follow friday. Make a list of people you really interact with and a short blurb about why u follow them. 140 chars per description max. @mosquitohawk #followfriday #1 I follow @RavenJon because he has an awesome SEO toolset (@RavenTools) & is an all around nice guy with sharp spidy sense. #2 I follow the hip @JoannaLord because she's witty, has great taste in music & is a great contributor of social media & search knowledge. #3 I follow the brilliant @steveplunkett because when he talks SEO tactics, you better be taking notes. Where does he get those great tidbits? #4 I follow @jrcornthwait - He's king in the land of HTML emails (& has good taste in food, design & isn't afraid to call it like he sees it). #5 I follow @carondelet of the Brute Squad because there's always something to be said for someone who can exchange obscure movie lines w/ you. #6 I follow @lookadoo because she cares. I also can't wait to meet her in person at some future conference. Smart, motivated & entrepreneurial. #7 I follow the ever-present @ShanaTweeting because she's a social media guru and always has good insights, blog posts and thoughts to share. @steveplunkett #followfriday I follow @kimsherrell because she is an intelligent person who adds value to your twitter stream. I follow @cyandle because he is my twitter homie.. #seo #ppc I follow @zerbetron because she's got that Boom Boom Pow and she is a fellow webmaster chair dancer. I follow @melyssatweeting because she has a good brain. I follow @jackleblond because he's a good man, no b.s. yet open minded, good sense of humor and sometimes he even posts some cool recipes. I follow @mandaotto because she is real and smart, and an amazing artist. I follow @martinbowling because he has a great sense of humor, he's quite intelligent and crafty. I follow @lookadoo because she is a great friend, a good voice of reason and wisdom. I follow @mosquitohawk because he has a good sense of humor and an interesting viewpoint. I follow @dannysullivan because he is the walter cronkite of SEO. I follow @blueyedmuse because she is smart, funny and tweets good stuff. @zerbetron #followfriday #followfriday For the best in geekery & nerddom, I recommend @geekgirldvia. She's smart, funny, & knows enough about BSG to be dangerous! #followfriday A nerd in search of love? Worry not! @geeksdreamgirl helps nerds & geeks find their perfect match. Super nice and lots of fun Interested in SEO & Social Media? Follow @cyandle. Great guy and he's always got fun and exciting things to say. He rocks! #followfriday If you do SEO, & you're not following @steveplunkett, you should get your head checked! He's an SEO Jedi Master. #followfriday @MichelleRobbins is a SEO smarty-pants, BSG nerd, super smart cookie & all around nice gal. I love her tweets & you will too! #followfriday @lookadoo #followfriday Learn all you need about Online Reputation Management & best practices in online marketing from @andybeal. His training classes kick it! Get blogging, WordPress, SEO & many tech tips from @DazzlinDonna. Donna's stream is like tapping into a business marketing coach! Just received my autographed copy of "What Success Takes" by @garrettpierson! I had the honor of reviewing his book, changed my approach! I am in debt to @pageoneresults for 2 hours of his SEO consulting time! I'm wiser & now broke! "Web Standards" should be his middle name. Friendship & geekship combined, @professor is the genius behind @Blogsville. Don't miss out on this blogging lineup! @GlobalFusion is more than a specialist in Spanish SEO, he's a thought leader. Admire his wisdom, approach & ethics in SEO. I've learned a lot about using Social Meda sites from @BrentCsutoras. He knows the insides of StumbleUpon, Reddit, Digg! Add SEO, too! The Social Media Queen is @TheNanny612! Don't tell, but I have a #girlcrush on her! Obsessed w/the science of search, @SEOdojo speaks to SEO geeks & wannabe-gurus! Reading his newsletter is on my TO DO list! One of the youngest & earliest prodigies I've followed is @PluginID. He knows how to make money blogging & will show you how, too! I started reading Barbara Rozgonyi @wiredprworks before Twitter. She's become a friend and PR mentor! If I had children, I would homeschool using Montessori lessons by @loribourne. I met her on SEOmoz & the friendship optimized from there! Forget music! I tune in to the latest in search marketing on @WebmasterRadio @BrascoAtWMR is more than a radio genius! <3> Get the latest analysis in search from @BruceClayInc by listening to @SEMSynergy every Wed! They translate SEO into understandable tidbits. @Remarkablogger shares blogging, tech & SEO tips. His insights convinced me to learn Thesis, so here I am with a new theme to learn! @martinbowling #followfriday @oilman cause he always has some wild adventure @persianwiki providing a great look at what's really happening on the streets of iran @oncee IT Manager in Charleston, WV always tweets awesomely helpful info @jordankasteler has awesome insight to using social media in creative and new ways @davesnyder it's BIG DAVE nuff said :) @rfr an incredible gifted designer, he <3's> @mandaotto #followfriday @graywolf a great go-to for all things seo @tonyadam all around great yahoo guy @cshel another very smart seo gal @shanatweeting great social media expert @melyssatweeting #followfriday @VegasWill A great follow. Tweets all signal and no noise. @FoundByPat Super Dad. Really relevant tweets. Exceptional wit. @StevePlunkett Everything’s bigger in Texas – including his brain and the strength of his tweets – fun follow. @cyandle #followfriday @sspencer - his presentations always provide so much information for the audience... @rustybrick - one of the top bloggers in the IM industry.. @dannysullivan - the father of seo; and always keeps his tweeple up-to-date.. @copyblogger - one of the top bloggers in the IM industry.. @oilman - always willing to help out other when it comes to learning new IM stuff i.e. paid links.. @StoneyD - always provides in depth posts regarding IM checklists.. @katemorris - great at PPC... @yoast - always on top with his wordpress plugins.. @TheMadHat - can make a mean bacon explosion.. @streko - king of the porkroll.. @melanienathan - she knows her linkbuilding.. @davidmihm - great at teaching us local search.. @theGypsy - great at keeping us up-to-date on patent info.. @shanatweeting - even though she's a mega phillies fan you can tolerate her.. :) @professor - great at development work.. @davesnyder - knows his social media...and likes to cuddle from what i hear.. @graywolf - if i need a mean cake he could do it.. @Pamela_Lund - if you need custom USB flash drives she can hook u up.. @sugarrae - knows her affilaite marketing stuff.. @BrentCsutoras - knows his social media... @andybeal - great online reputation mgt expert.. @brianchappell - knows his social media & online reputation mgt.. @yummyman - great at teaching us local search.. @lookadoo - a great all around person to follow.. @pearsonified - thesis king.. @bbille - always willing to help a brother out.. @pageoneresults - sphinn's worst nightmare.. @JoannaLord - knows her PPC.. @wiep - master link baiter.. @GymJunkies - can pump u up.. @steveplunkett - mad IM scientist.. @martinbowling - great at development work.. @SmokinManBBQ - it always tastes better when the smokinman' cooks it.. @itcn - can develop some great stuff.. @styletime - great at designs and wordpress..
Marty Martin
- Marty has been an active search marketing professional for over 12 years. He has consulted with the Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 as well as medium to small B2B and B2c businesses, governments and higher ed.