Art Appreciation Plugin
Get your daily dose of art and culture with the Art Appreciation plugin. Select from the many included art feeds, or there’s an option to provide your own feed from a favorite website (rock on!).
Current art categories include:
- Art Variety,
- Oil Paintings,
- Packaging,
- Photography,
- Sketch Artists,
- and Web Comics.
- IMPORTANT – This plugin requires you to download and install the SimplePie Core plugin (follow that plugins install instructions, then proceed to step 2 below),
- Next, download and unzip ``,
- Upload the folder `art-appreciation` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory of your website,
- IMPORTANT – Make sure you have the following folder and it is set to be publicly writeable (777, 766 or 666 permissions)- `/wp-content/cache/`,
- Activate the plugin “Art Appreciation” through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress,
- Look for the “Art Appreciation” admin page under “Settings” to customize your set up and select which art you want to see. That’s it, enjoy!
Do you have a suggestion for a new category or artist feed to include? Get in touch and let us know!
See the below screenshot for the plugin in action!